So summer is ending and with it is my sojurn in the Hatch Science Library. Although the sciecne library is air conditioned and fairly easy place to work I'm pretty happy I'm done. Here's a list of stuff about me and the library.
Favorite Journal Title: Neuroendocrinology
Favorite Journal Article: A math professor rewrote the words to Jenny (867-5309) to match pi (3.145309)
Best Realization: Books on traveling are the science library, so when you want to find a travelers guide to maine cerca 1879, this is the place to look.
Best thing I learned: How to search the USGS map index for free maps.
I'm going home for about a week to sort stuff out and such with clothing and then I'm heading back to maine to work at Chewonki in Wiscasset. I'm teaching Environmental Science and taking kids on camping trips.
Now for the funny stuff:
Jon Todd and I have done nothing but play Warcraft III for the past three days. I dreamed last night that I was an Orc named Bloodtooth and I was battling the evil humans. This heavy dose of computer game play has been supplemented by watching 10 episodes of "Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing" as well as two episodes of "Astro Boy". Futhermore I've been drunk and high a lot in the last two days so figure that in as you will. My room is a mess. My fish tank has turned green. I went to the beach a few days ago. It was totally awesome.
Did you know: During the summer seadogs games sell out?
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