On thusday afternoon it thundered and we had to lightning drill which consisted of the kids sitting in their tents crouched on their sleeping pads to insulate themselves from the ground, while rachel (my co-leader) and myself extended our nap.
Over the weekend I visited the grandparents in lewiston and changed their wire screens to the glass ones and then grandma went on a twenty minute rant about Bush. She says she hates him as much as she hates hitler. Thats pretty strong considering she is a german jew who escaped the holocaust. She really hates him. I think that eric penley would enjoy talking to her for an hour or so. I also want her to get a computer so she can start anti-bush movements and stuff. She'd be wicked dangerous with a computer. And she'd probably stop sleeping too. Next post I'll relate some funny stories about her and my grandpa. Like the time grandpa got dehydrated. Or the time he tried to check if the phone still worked. He's 93 and blind.
Sunday - today - I particpated in the MaineShare Hike and Bike. I did the biking and rode 36 miles to help raise money to support local bussinesses and organizations. It was pretty fun and very tiring. I haven't been riding a lot recently and 36 miles is the longest ride I'd ever done. There were three categories 25k, 50k, and 100k - I did the 50k and finished first out of everyone who did the 50k. In fact I finished before all the 100k people too but they had to ride twice as far as I did so thats not something to really brag about... This is me and a friend (also from chewonki but she only did the 25k) Katie after the race.

Post race Lila and I went to Portland to have her birthday present installed in her car - an alpine car stereo and two boston speakers. The stereo sounds absolutely fantastic. I made several mix cds to test it out with different types of music - classical, rock, electronic, it sounds great playing all of them. The tweeter store is a good shop - very proffesional. I highly recommend it.
This coming week I'm on a day program which means I don't have to sleep in a tent and that I'm done each day after 4pm so there may be a mid-week update relating funny stories about my grandparents.
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