Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mix up in the mail

I ordered this:

and got this:

Sierra Trading Post: Where jesus isn't exactly sure what you ordered.


  1. Dear Dave,

    We, at Sierra Trading Post, do sincerely apologize for shipping you the wrong item. We invite you to contact our email supervisor at Attn: Melissa, and provide us with your customer number and/or order number. We will do everything we can to make this right.

    Thank you in advance for allowing us the opportunity to correct the situation.

  2. Is that for real? Does STP have people googling for bad press?

  3. We're not googling for bad press, but we did notice that your site came up on a search we performed on ‘sierra trading post’ and wanted to reach out to see if we could help

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Good work Dave, you have another reader!
