Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I've got to say... I love apple but I sort of think that they flopped with the new macbooks. They look amazing, and they're construction is great, but when you can buy a more powerful refurbished macbook pro from the refurb shop for less money, I really think apple has missed the mark. So, thats my verdict. It looks hot but it doesn't have as much under the hood as it should, especially compared to the old MBP.

Now for the good news -> The new MBP is sweet, the high end graphics card, the 9600GT is sick, especially in a laptop. Processor speeds at 2.8 ghz, hard drives at 7200 rpm, there are real reasons to buy this machine. But imo, the even bigger news:

Seriously? $899 for the new 24" screen is a bargain, that is a great quality screen and I'm going to have a real hard time not buying one to sit next to my imac.

To be fair, much of the upgrade was focused around design so you might find me recanting once I travel down to the cube and get my hands on the new models.... I think you really have to see these in person to decide if the refurb route is for you.

And finally, avery raises a great point, much of this upgrade has got to be setting the stage for Snow Leopard so until we know more about what that OS will bring, it is difficult to judge....

1 comment:

  1. "I'm going to have a real hard time not buying one to sit next to my imac."

    Maybe you don't actually need another one since...
    ...you already have TWO, 2, 2/1, .5(4), 1+1, screens
