Saturday, December 18, 2010

Baby is coming Soon!!

SO!! Recently we had a "scare," we were in the hospital overnight!! Lila was having light contractions, she couldn't feel them, but the hospital monitor was reporting them regular and constant so they kept us for observation.

No baby yet, but our OB thinks the baby will come early, right around 37 weeks. That's three weeks earlier than our due date of Jan. 20th.

We've kicked preparations into gear, we've got clothes, a dresser, a crib, a changing table, a porta-crib changing table combo, a regular sized bed, a rocking chair, a stroller, a car seat, an adapter that allows our car seat to be locked onto our stroller and a bunch of other paraphernalia.

We are both now on parental leave, I don't go back to work until April 4th. Lila won't go back until September 1st of next year!!

We're pretty nervous and excited!