Today was seminal in that I made a final trip to scarlet begonias. I'm on a first name basis with with some of the waitstaff there from such frequent visits and I'm sad to say goodbye. However, I'm also going to buy a painting from them. A lovely water colour of the bowdoin chapel, it will be a present for dad for christmas from the brothers.
Not a whole lot else is going on. I talked to avery today because I thought he was in maine and that we could go get a drink together but he isn't and won't be until tommorrow which is exactly when I won't be here but perhaps later this week or early next. Also I miss jonelle a bit but haven't called her yet because I don't have a cell phone and she hasn't realized yet that I have a landline.
I'm going to be getting internet in vt and a phone so soon I'll be back in the loop a little bit. We all know I've never been in the loopy. Perhaps loopy but not in the loop.
I leave you with this soothing image of the NGC 346 star cluster.

Quoting the Nasa Website "This view of one of the most dynamic and intricately detailed star-forming regions in space, located 210,000 light-years away in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way, was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. At the center of the region is a brilliant star cluster called NGC 346. A dramatic structure of arched, ragged filaments with a distinct ridge surrounds the cluster." ( The image gets credited to: NASA, ESA and A. Nota (STScI/ESA)
I figure I better add that credit stuff otherwise I'm probably breaking the law.
miss you too dave! and now that i know you have a landline i will call. promise. thats a hot cluster.