Yeah so I'm pretty sure that fred is the only person who still checks this as I rarely update, but I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things. And fred, I'm seriously considering getting a job at the local blockbuster.
So, I spent a week on the snow during which we skied on everything from ice, to dirt, to grass, to really weird icy looks like the surface of the moon snow, to actual snow to powder. So it was quite a week. I know understand why eskimos and vermonters need so many words. Sugar, powdered sugar, sluff, eastern hardpack, I could go on. But got a job, just finishing up the training sessions now - today we went through Torn ACL prevention seminar. Fred, you could make a lot of money working as a personal injury lawyer at a ski resort. But, I know you don't ski, but there are hot chicks. Then again there are also hot chicks in the caribean and I assume surfers get hurt too. Blue Crush? Fred you could be the Blue Crusher.
The apartment is good, moved into, gotten internet and a digital cable package which allows us to rewind, pause and fast forward certain channels. We also got 4 inches of water in the basement this morning when a seal on the water heater burst. But luckily our basement actually has a plug, like in the tub, which you can pull to allow drainage. But alls well on that front now, just have the sleeping bag to dry out.

So for avery and jt and ryan and anyone else using a mac and reading this, check out Gunroar. Its a totally sweet game and its got a great techno soundtrack. Check it out in twin gun mode. Its also available for PC with more features but I don't know where.
So things are good. My car's left turn signal now works so people hopefully don't think I'm crazy or a bad driver when I change lanes. Come visit, lila and I can get you deals on lift tickets, mid-week is the best deal, cheap ticket, no one here. We've got a couch and a blow-up sofa. and Cable.
The great thing about personal injury is that you can find a person who's been injured anywhere. And while you can't have sex with the clients, why would you want to have sex with a cripple? That's disgusting!