So I don't know if you've heard but there as a lawsuit out there against Apple, Steve Jobs, and AT&T related to the iphone price drop. Check it out here.
This is way funnier though, It was a response I found trolling the comments from the linked article.
Originally Posted by dh87
Last week at Whole Foods, I paid $2.29/lb for apples. This week apples were only $1.69. I am suing Whole Food for $1 million dollars, which is a conservative estimate of my actual, emotional, and spiritual damage. As the eponym of the product in question, I may sue Apple as well.
Fred, do you have any take on this? Does the chick have a case? Can I sue eric penley for not coming to homecoming? I can't even describe the emotional damage.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Virtual Insanity
Today's adventure:
Got caught for copyright infringement!
Upon returning to my computer, after going to work this morning, I discovered that I could no longer get online. I had a "self assigned ip address." Thats what a computer does when the service provider revokes their IP address for some reason.
Well I went to find out the reason and it turns out that I got caught by the lawyers from HBO for downloading Entourage. This is approximately how the conversation with the head of computing went:
Me - Hi, you need to see me about copyright infringement?
Him - (looking up from playing second life) Yeah, we got contacted by some lawyers
Me - well I guess I shouldn't have been downloading things.
Him - You understand the implications?
Me - yes, I'm sorry.
Him - its ok, just don't do it again.
Me - ok, I won't.
Him - you seem pretty tech savvy, do you want a job?
Me - thanks, but no thanks. I've already got one.
Him - ok, great to meet you.
Me - thanks for helping me out.
Anyone get the irony? Offered a job b/c I was breaking the law?
To quote Jamiroquai, "its a crazy mixed up world, we're living in"
Got caught for copyright infringement!
Upon returning to my computer, after going to work this morning, I discovered that I could no longer get online. I had a "self assigned ip address." Thats what a computer does when the service provider revokes their IP address for some reason.
Well I went to find out the reason and it turns out that I got caught by the lawyers from HBO for downloading Entourage. This is approximately how the conversation with the head of computing went:
Me - Hi, you need to see me about copyright infringement?
Him - (looking up from playing second life) Yeah, we got contacted by some lawyers
Me - well I guess I shouldn't have been downloading things.
Him - You understand the implications?
Me - yes, I'm sorry.
Him - its ok, just don't do it again.
Me - ok, I won't.
Him - you seem pretty tech savvy, do you want a job?
Me - thanks, but no thanks. I've already got one.
Him - ok, great to meet you.
Me - thanks for helping me out.
Anyone get the irony? Offered a job b/c I was breaking the law?
To quote Jamiroquai, "its a crazy mixed up world, we're living in"
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Day Trading Worse than Away Message Checking
Recently, I've started paying a lot more attention to the stock market. I mean, I want my money to be working for me, right? Well E*Trade is a lot worse than either World of Warcraft, or watching youtube, or checking away messages or any of that stuff. I mean thats your money either growing or not growing. Watching it is mezmerizing.
But I've found something even better than fooling around with your own money. Try trading on the PPX, Popular Science's virtual exchange. There you can buy "future stocks" that predict things like: "Will the FDA clear deep-brain stimulation as a treatment for clinical depression by September 30, 2008?" That's the current IPO, on a the market at $50.00/share. There are a number of other "stocks" available, probably around 100, and they all have different prices, reflective of peoples opinions on how accurate the statements are. And you get to start with $250,000 so there are plenty of options.
Another example, I own 230 shares of this: Flying Car by 2025 - Will a flying car become commercially available by 2025?

Seems like a good thing for people who are at work who'd rather be fooling around online. Avery.
But I've found something even better than fooling around with your own money. Try trading on the PPX, Popular Science's virtual exchange. There you can buy "future stocks" that predict things like: "Will the FDA clear deep-brain stimulation as a treatment for clinical depression by September 30, 2008?" That's the current IPO, on a the market at $50.00/share. There are a number of other "stocks" available, probably around 100, and they all have different prices, reflective of peoples opinions on how accurate the statements are. And you get to start with $250,000 so there are plenty of options.
Another example, I own 230 shares of this: Flying Car by 2025 - Will a flying car become commercially available by 2025?

Seems like a good thing for people who are at work who'd rather be fooling around online. Avery.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
No Reservations
So watching the Travel Channel Show, "No Reservations" recently on my ipod I learned a cool fact. Chef, Anthony Bourdain is from New Jersey. Specifically Leonia, NJ. Who else is from Leonia? Its up to you to find out.

The Leonia Volunteer Ambulance Corps. insignia
Click here for more Leonia info

Click here for more Leonia info
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Not Funny but Cute
Friday, September 14, 2007
Triple Cheeseburger model for the five paragraph essay
The buns represent the introduction and conclusion. The three meat patties represent the three body paragraphs of the essay, while the cheese, lettuce, majo, and other toppings represent the writing flourishes like vocabulary, sentence structure, and verbiage. This model has obvious limitations. Students might think that the introduction and conclusion should be indistinguishable (since they are both buns). While they are somewhat similar, there are clear differences. Next, toppings are stacked one on another in a burger, but in a paper, vocabulary and sentence structure are part of the meat (i.e., not stacked on the meat). Finally, and perhaps too obviously, burgers are eaten while essays are read. One could say both are examples of consuming, but essays not dissolve in the stomach acid, but rather digest in the brain of the reader.
This paragraph was submitted as part of a homework assignment by a classmate of mine. He gave me permission publish it on my blog
This paragraph was submitted as part of a homework assignment by a classmate of mine. He gave me permission publish it on my blog
Monday, September 10, 2007
Republican Penley: The Evidence builds
An unnamed source today reported to me that in fact the 25 page paper due wednesday (eric's excuse not to come to homecoming) is in fact a 10 page memo due friday. This raises two key points.
1. Thats not that much work and really eric has no excuse to not be at homecoming.
2. He committed perjury (he may not have known he was under oath when we were chatting but he was) when he LIED to me making his workload sound larger and more pressing. Naturally, I'm lumping him together with the other lying republicans, Cheney, Rove, Bush, whoever you want.
So in the name of all that is good, Eric, come back to the light. We don't want you to be a republican. We want you to go to homecoming.
1. Thats not that much work and really eric has no excuse to not be at homecoming.
2. He committed perjury (he may not have known he was under oath when we were chatting but he was) when he LIED to me making his workload sound larger and more pressing. Naturally, I'm lumping him together with the other lying republicans, Cheney, Rove, Bush, whoever you want.
So in the name of all that is good, Eric, come back to the light. We don't want you to be a republican. We want you to go to homecoming.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Penley to join GOP Imminent
Its been on all our minds recently... When will Eric Penley show his true colors and admit to being a republican? The evidence for it is as follows:
He's moved to a red state and is taking classes. This map is from the 2004 presidential election. Virginia is clearly red.

Secondly, he says he's not going to homecoming. From a conversation with him earlier today:
1. "yeah, so I'd love to make it to homecoming but I don't think I can"
2. "one reason I really can't come is that I have a 25-page paper due the following week"
3. "part of what makes me pretty good at stuff is that I make responsible decisions in times like this, and don't fuck myself over at a critical time in the semester"
Finnally, when asked if he was a republican, he said no, but then told me that he was surrounded by conservative racists.
Only time will tell.
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