Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Penley to join GOP Imminent

Its been on all our minds recently... When will Eric Penley show his true colors and admit to being a republican? The evidence for it is as follows:

He's moved to a red state and is taking classes. This map is from the 2004 presidential election. Virginia is clearly red.

Secondly, he says he's not going to homecoming. From a conversation with him earlier today:
1. "yeah, so I'd love to make it to homecoming but I don't think I can"

2. "one reason I really can't come is that I have a 25-page paper due the following week"

3. "part of what makes me pretty good at stuff is that I make responsible decisions in times like this, and don't fuck myself over at a critical time in the semester"

Finnally, when asked if he was a republican, he said no, but then told me that he was surrounded by conservative racists.

Only time will tell.

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