Monday, September 10, 2007

Republican Penley: The Evidence builds

An unnamed source today reported to me that in fact the 25 page paper due wednesday (eric's excuse not to come to homecoming) is in fact a 10 page memo due friday. This raises two key points.

1. Thats not that much work and really eric has no excuse to not be at homecoming.

2. He committed perjury (he may not have known he was under oath when we were chatting but he was) when he LIED to me making his workload sound larger and more pressing. Naturally, I'm lumping him together with the other lying republicans, Cheney, Rove, Bush, whoever you want.

So in the name of all that is good, Eric, come back to the light. We don't want you to be a republican. We want you to go to homecoming.


  1. Plus, if it's a memo, it's for his First Year Legal Writing class which is almost certainly graded pass/fail. No excuse!

  2. Direct quote from email exchange with Eric G. Penley, 11:45am 9/11/07:

    "I'm having a blast! So far, school is significantly less work than Bowdoin. Fred told me it would be like this, but I didn't believe him. My section (30 of us, we have all our classes together) is sooo amazing, we have had a ridiculous amount of fun together already. A lot of us even go out during the week occasionally. My liver says no, but my fun gene says ohhhhhh, yes."

