So its been a crazy world here at Killington over Christmas week. Boatloads of kids (180 is our max, we usually go up to 185, however the room we operate out of is only rated for 100 people including instructors) come in everyday and its my job to teach them to be badass. But the good news is that the parents love me. I now get booked for private lessons all the time and if I don't get privates I do pretty well in tips. In tips, I made 45 today, 55 yesterday, and 25 the day before that. So thats good, it pays for my ticket to D.C.
So I'm going to do D.C. Fred and I are going down in mid jan, I'll be there from the 19th to the 21st, I think fred is there from the the 18th to the 22nd. He has more time off than me. I think fred called it "Son of New Years." Conviently coencides with Dan's birthday. Also Dan, I'm getting on the shopping for skis for you thing.
So I'm hanging around the ground hotel tonight until tenish when lila gets off work. Then off to various locales along the access road with other people from work. Right now they is an acoustic guitar player performing in the lobby by the fireplace. He's playing "How sweet it is to be loved by you." Its corney here but fun.
If anything remarkable happens to me I'll tell you.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Once a King of Narnia, Always a King of Narnia
Just got back from seeing the Narnia Movie, "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe." It was incredible! Basically I liked it because they kept to the actual story, they didn't really change anything. It was awesome.

this image was taken from
Lila and I have been doing well, we've been skiing a few days and now that we've got lots of snow things are starting to pick up around the mountain. I've been teaching mostly small girls and usually they try to manipulate me to get me to do things like give them extra cookies and carry their skis. Usually it works.
Yesterday I hung out with ella in burlington for a little bit. I was trying to claim jon todd's old telemark gear from the outdoor gear exchange but it turned out that they had actually sold the equipment already so the trip was for naught.
Tommorrow, Lila and I are heading down to Woodstock, NY to attend her family's yearly solstice party. Mostly people just eat and make fun of each other. There is also a Cut Throat Santa game that I"m going to have to come up with a gift for. I'm sure I'll find something in the back of my car as most of the world is hidden there.
I'll be back in VT on monday evening courtesy of amtrak. Come visit sometime!

Lila and I have been doing well, we've been skiing a few days and now that we've got lots of snow things are starting to pick up around the mountain. I've been teaching mostly small girls and usually they try to manipulate me to get me to do things like give them extra cookies and carry their skis. Usually it works.
Yesterday I hung out with ella in burlington for a little bit. I was trying to claim jon todd's old telemark gear from the outdoor gear exchange but it turned out that they had actually sold the equipment already so the trip was for naught.
Tommorrow, Lila and I are heading down to Woodstock, NY to attend her family's yearly solstice party. Mostly people just eat and make fun of each other. There is also a Cut Throat Santa game that I"m going to have to come up with a gift for. I'm sure I'll find something in the back of my car as most of the world is hidden there.
I'll be back in VT on monday evening courtesy of amtrak. Come visit sometime!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Wash 'n WiFi
So right now Adelphia cable internet sucks and is not functioning at my house. Naturally, they can't get a technician there until monday afternoon. So I figured, this is a great opportunity to do laundry! At Wash 'n WiFi - I can do laundry as well as check my email and surf the web!!
Kudos to Fred who is long overdue for a shout out (which I will post sometime in the near future, i.e. when I find a funny picture) as the only person besides lila who reads my blog. And Lila only reads it so she can make fun of me a little for having a blog in the first place.
Got my uniform today, fancy ski jacket and pants. Also got a locker at the mountain and went skiing with my boss this morning. And I didn't fall on my ass and I actually skied fairly well so that was good. Lila made her first turns yesterday and were going again tommorrow.
Snow tires were put on my car today - i now feel invicible so I will be sure to drive headfirst into a snowdrift as soon as possible. I assume that were we still at bowdoin, and I got snow tires, someone like avery, conor, fred, or anyone I know at all, would be encouraging me to "test them out." So I will, everyday, in the parking lot which is continually unplowed.
So far I've skied 7 days this season. I'm going to try to keep track and let everyone know so Libby can be jelous and jon todd can point out that alta has recieved like 8 feet of snow in the last few days while killington's gotten an inch or two.
Signing off from the wireless network "Clothesbasket" ...
Kudos to Fred who is long overdue for a shout out (which I will post sometime in the near future, i.e. when I find a funny picture) as the only person besides lila who reads my blog. And Lila only reads it so she can make fun of me a little for having a blog in the first place.
Got my uniform today, fancy ski jacket and pants. Also got a locker at the mountain and went skiing with my boss this morning. And I didn't fall on my ass and I actually skied fairly well so that was good. Lila made her first turns yesterday and were going again tommorrow.
Snow tires were put on my car today - i now feel invicible so I will be sure to drive headfirst into a snowdrift as soon as possible. I assume that were we still at bowdoin, and I got snow tires, someone like avery, conor, fred, or anyone I know at all, would be encouraging me to "test them out." So I will, everyday, in the parking lot which is continually unplowed.
So far I've skied 7 days this season. I'm going to try to keep track and let everyone know so Libby can be jelous and jon todd can point out that alta has recieved like 8 feet of snow in the last few days while killington's gotten an inch or two.
Signing off from the wireless network "Clothesbasket" ...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Its been a long long time together, through the hard times and the good
I've got to celebrate you baby.

not me
Yeah so I'm pretty sure that fred is the only person who still checks this as I rarely update, but I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things. And fred, I'm seriously considering getting a job at the local blockbuster.
So, I spent a week on the snow during which we skied on everything from ice, to dirt, to grass, to really weird icy looks like the surface of the moon snow, to actual snow to powder. So it was quite a week. I know understand why eskimos and vermonters need so many words. Sugar, powdered sugar, sluff, eastern hardpack, I could go on. But got a job, just finishing up the training sessions now - today we went through Torn ACL prevention seminar. Fred, you could make a lot of money working as a personal injury lawyer at a ski resort. But, I know you don't ski, but there are hot chicks. Then again there are also hot chicks in the caribean and I assume surfers get hurt too. Blue Crush? Fred you could be the Blue Crusher.
The apartment is good, moved into, gotten internet and a digital cable package which allows us to rewind, pause and fast forward certain channels. We also got 4 inches of water in the basement this morning when a seal on the water heater burst. But luckily our basement actually has a plug, like in the tub, which you can pull to allow drainage. But alls well on that front now, just have the sleeping bag to dry out.

So for avery and jt and ryan and anyone else using a mac and reading this, check out Gunroar. Its a totally sweet game and its got a great techno soundtrack. Check it out in twin gun mode. Its also available for PC with more features but I don't know where.
So things are good. My car's left turn signal now works so people hopefully don't think I'm crazy or a bad driver when I change lanes. Come visit, lila and I can get you deals on lift tickets, mid-week is the best deal, cheap ticket, no one here. We've got a couch and a blow-up sofa. and Cable.

Yeah so I'm pretty sure that fred is the only person who still checks this as I rarely update, but I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things. And fred, I'm seriously considering getting a job at the local blockbuster.
So, I spent a week on the snow during which we skied on everything from ice, to dirt, to grass, to really weird icy looks like the surface of the moon snow, to actual snow to powder. So it was quite a week. I know understand why eskimos and vermonters need so many words. Sugar, powdered sugar, sluff, eastern hardpack, I could go on. But got a job, just finishing up the training sessions now - today we went through Torn ACL prevention seminar. Fred, you could make a lot of money working as a personal injury lawyer at a ski resort. But, I know you don't ski, but there are hot chicks. Then again there are also hot chicks in the caribean and I assume surfers get hurt too. Blue Crush? Fred you could be the Blue Crusher.
The apartment is good, moved into, gotten internet and a digital cable package which allows us to rewind, pause and fast forward certain channels. We also got 4 inches of water in the basement this morning when a seal on the water heater burst. But luckily our basement actually has a plug, like in the tub, which you can pull to allow drainage. But alls well on that front now, just have the sleeping bag to dry out.

So for avery and jt and ryan and anyone else using a mac and reading this, check out Gunroar. Its a totally sweet game and its got a great techno soundtrack. Check it out in twin gun mode. Its also available for PC with more features but I don't know where.
So things are good. My car's left turn signal now works so people hopefully don't think I'm crazy or a bad driver when I change lanes. Come visit, lila and I can get you deals on lift tickets, mid-week is the best deal, cheap ticket, no one here. We've got a couch and a blow-up sofa. and Cable.
Monday, November 14, 2005
backward emoticons
So for all you looking to damn the man and save the empire type your emoticons backwards!!!
rather than typing :-) and having it changed to some idiotic looking smiley face why don't you type (-:
Go ahead!! Add the wink or the ever popular open mouth 0-: or even the winking open mouth for when you are trying to slyly communicate a level of stupendous surprise!!
Here is a picture of a smiley face

Here is a picture of some throwing stars

Get the idea? Watch out all those who use emoticons otherwise you'll hear a guitar wailing and you know whats about to happen.......
rather than typing :-) and having it changed to some idiotic looking smiley face why don't you type (-:
Go ahead!! Add the wink or the ever popular open mouth 0-: or even the winking open mouth for when you are trying to slyly communicate a level of stupendous surprise!!
Here is a picture of a smiley face

Here is a picture of some throwing stars

Get the idea? Watch out all those who use emoticons otherwise you'll hear a guitar wailing and you know whats about to happen.......
Not as irrelevant as my last post
So as no one reads this anymore I've decided that I should try to update all the time!! Oh the irony. In any case - today is my last day in maine. I am leaving tommorrow for home and then for vermont. Lots of stuff has been going on. Lila and I went to ikea - it was awesome. So awesome in fact that I'm going back on wednesday. Lots of cheap items. Last trip we purchased two chairs and a dining table. I'm going back to get more chairs, some misc. kitchen things (forks, knives, spoons) maybe a desk chair (maybe) and basically see what else useful stuff I can find. Lila also now has skis. We went to the ski shop, talked turkey with tony (the manager) got hooked up with a discount and got her some stuff. Now I'm in maine, waiting for the morning to do some final packing and cleaning and its back to "the cliff." This is what young people from ridiculously upscale briarcliff refer to our town as to make it sound more gangsta. Upon arriving in "the cliff" I'm immediately going to the Sleepy Hollow Country club (of which my family are NOT members) for lil' bro adam's end of season soccer banquet. He was MVP so its a big deal. I am going to wear a shirt and tie so I will probably look real good and feel real uncomfortable at the same time.
Today was seminal in that I made a final trip to scarlet begonias. I'm on a first name basis with with some of the waitstaff there from such frequent visits and I'm sad to say goodbye. However, I'm also going to buy a painting from them. A lovely water colour of the bowdoin chapel, it will be a present for dad for christmas from the brothers.
Not a whole lot else is going on. I talked to avery today because I thought he was in maine and that we could go get a drink together but he isn't and won't be until tommorrow which is exactly when I won't be here but perhaps later this week or early next. Also I miss jonelle a bit but haven't called her yet because I don't have a cell phone and she hasn't realized yet that I have a landline.
I'm going to be getting internet in vt and a phone so soon I'll be back in the loop a little bit. We all know I've never been in the loopy. Perhaps loopy but not in the loop.
I leave you with this soothing image of the NGC 346 star cluster.

Quoting the Nasa Website "This view of one of the most dynamic and intricately detailed star-forming regions in space, located 210,000 light-years away in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way, was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. At the center of the region is a brilliant star cluster called NGC 346. A dramatic structure of arched, ragged filaments with a distinct ridge surrounds the cluster." ( The image gets credited to: NASA, ESA and A. Nota (STScI/ESA)
I figure I better add that credit stuff otherwise I'm probably breaking the law.
Today was seminal in that I made a final trip to scarlet begonias. I'm on a first name basis with with some of the waitstaff there from such frequent visits and I'm sad to say goodbye. However, I'm also going to buy a painting from them. A lovely water colour of the bowdoin chapel, it will be a present for dad for christmas from the brothers.
Not a whole lot else is going on. I talked to avery today because I thought he was in maine and that we could go get a drink together but he isn't and won't be until tommorrow which is exactly when I won't be here but perhaps later this week or early next. Also I miss jonelle a bit but haven't called her yet because I don't have a cell phone and she hasn't realized yet that I have a landline.
I'm going to be getting internet in vt and a phone so soon I'll be back in the loop a little bit. We all know I've never been in the loopy. Perhaps loopy but not in the loop.
I leave you with this soothing image of the NGC 346 star cluster.

Quoting the Nasa Website "This view of one of the most dynamic and intricately detailed star-forming regions in space, located 210,000 light-years away in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way, was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. At the center of the region is a brilliant star cluster called NGC 346. A dramatic structure of arched, ragged filaments with a distinct ridge surrounds the cluster." ( The image gets credited to: NASA, ESA and A. Nota (STScI/ESA)
I figure I better add that credit stuff otherwise I'm probably breaking the law.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
time for another post...
Which no one will probably read as I haven't been updating very frequently. Well, time at Chewonki is winding down and let me say that although I'm going to be sad to leave, I'm not unhappy about having a break from kids. Its hard being responsible all the time.
Moving to Rutland on the 15th of November. The apartment will be pretty bare for the first few weeks as I traverse new england and pick-up the furniture which has been arranged. Grandparents, parents, and ikea will be furnishing my new home. Ski school training starts on the 28th. Actual work starts on the 3rd. December should be slow until christmas and then we'll be going like gangbusters until mid april. The weekends at Killington are always busy and the mid-week rental packages are priced to help bring people to the mountain so we're basically always going to be busy.
Vacumed out my car today.
Moving to Rutland on the 15th of November. The apartment will be pretty bare for the first few weeks as I traverse new england and pick-up the furniture which has been arranged. Grandparents, parents, and ikea will be furnishing my new home. Ski school training starts on the 28th. Actual work starts on the 3rd. December should be slow until christmas and then we'll be going like gangbusters until mid april. The weekends at Killington are always busy and the mid-week rental packages are priced to help bring people to the mountain so we're basically always going to be busy.
Vacumed out my car today.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Its been a while
Its been a while since I've updated and a lot has gone on. I don't really have the time for a full blown update right now so I'm just going to bring people up to speed on the important stuff.
Lila and I, last weekend, went to the killington job fair (killington is a large ski mountain in VT) which claims to have the longest ski season in New England. I have been hired as a ski instructor. Lila has been hired as health club attendant. We then spent sunday apartment hunting in Rutland (about twenty minutes from Killington) and found a small but very nice apartment in a nice house close to the cute part of rutland (as opposed to the strip mall part of rutland). We are going to do a lot of skiing (I'll be working five to six days a week on the mountain).
I move in on nov. 15th, lila comes about a week later. We are both starting work on the 28thish.
Many other things have happened. Lila and I have both been hired by the Sea Education Association to sail for them for the summer starting in May. She will be a steward and I will be a scientist.
Today was lila's birthday and we had a pretty good day. It was staff enrichment day which was sort of a drag but we had a good dinner at Scarlet B's.
Saw all my friends at Bowdoin and had one of the best times I've had in a long time. Wish I could've hung out more but we had to make a ridiculous trip to VT (and it paid off soo....)
Didn't see jon because he is a butthead. Actually he's not, I just don't have a cell phone anymore and he didn't realize.
More to come later...
Lila and I, last weekend, went to the killington job fair (killington is a large ski mountain in VT) which claims to have the longest ski season in New England. I have been hired as a ski instructor. Lila has been hired as health club attendant. We then spent sunday apartment hunting in Rutland (about twenty minutes from Killington) and found a small but very nice apartment in a nice house close to the cute part of rutland (as opposed to the strip mall part of rutland). We are going to do a lot of skiing (I'll be working five to six days a week on the mountain).
I move in on nov. 15th, lila comes about a week later. We are both starting work on the 28thish.
Many other things have happened. Lila and I have both been hired by the Sea Education Association to sail for them for the summer starting in May. She will be a steward and I will be a scientist.
Today was lila's birthday and we had a pretty good day. It was staff enrichment day which was sort of a drag but we had a good dinner at Scarlet B's.
Saw all my friends at Bowdoin and had one of the best times I've had in a long time. Wish I could've hung out more but we had to make a ridiculous trip to VT (and it paid off soo....)
Didn't see jon because he is a butthead. Actually he's not, I just don't have a cell phone anymore and he didn't realize.
More to come later...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
A thing I forgot
While i was on my saltwater canoe trip we had to poop in bags and once while I was pooping a mosquito bit me on my nuts.
I'm very tired..
So I've had a wicked busy week with many tiring things hence why its been so long since my last update. All last week I was on a saltwater canoe trip. We were on the water tuesday through friday with wednesday, thursday and friday consisting of thunderstorms, fog, and wind. Paddling a canoe against the tide and the wind is a little hard for me, and really really challenging for 12 year olds. We did that for about two hours wedensday afternoon on our way to check out this shipwreck.

On thusday afternoon it thundered and we had to lightning drill which consisted of the kids sitting in their tents crouched on their sleeping pads to insulate themselves from the ground, while rachel (my co-leader) and myself extended our nap.
Over the weekend I visited the grandparents in lewiston and changed their wire screens to the glass ones and then grandma went on a twenty minute rant about Bush. She says she hates him as much as she hates hitler. Thats pretty strong considering she is a german jew who escaped the holocaust. She really hates him. I think that eric penley would enjoy talking to her for an hour or so. I also want her to get a computer so she can start anti-bush movements and stuff. She'd be wicked dangerous with a computer. And she'd probably stop sleeping too. Next post I'll relate some funny stories about her and my grandpa. Like the time grandpa got dehydrated. Or the time he tried to check if the phone still worked. He's 93 and blind.
Sunday - today - I particpated in the MaineShare Hike and Bike. I did the biking and rode 36 miles to help raise money to support local bussinesses and organizations. It was pretty fun and very tiring. I haven't been riding a lot recently and 36 miles is the longest ride I'd ever done. There were three categories 25k, 50k, and 100k - I did the 50k and finished first out of everyone who did the 50k. In fact I finished before all the 100k people too but they had to ride twice as far as I did so thats not something to really brag about... This is me and a friend (also from chewonki but she only did the 25k) Katie after the race.

Post race Lila and I went to Portland to have her birthday present installed in her car - an alpine car stereo and two boston speakers. The stereo sounds absolutely fantastic. I made several mix cds to test it out with different types of music - classical, rock, electronic, it sounds great playing all of them. The tweeter store is a good shop - very proffesional. I highly recommend it.
This coming week I'm on a day program which means I don't have to sleep in a tent and that I'm done each day after 4pm so there may be a mid-week update relating funny stories about my grandparents.

On thusday afternoon it thundered and we had to lightning drill which consisted of the kids sitting in their tents crouched on their sleeping pads to insulate themselves from the ground, while rachel (my co-leader) and myself extended our nap.
Over the weekend I visited the grandparents in lewiston and changed their wire screens to the glass ones and then grandma went on a twenty minute rant about Bush. She says she hates him as much as she hates hitler. Thats pretty strong considering she is a german jew who escaped the holocaust. She really hates him. I think that eric penley would enjoy talking to her for an hour or so. I also want her to get a computer so she can start anti-bush movements and stuff. She'd be wicked dangerous with a computer. And she'd probably stop sleeping too. Next post I'll relate some funny stories about her and my grandpa. Like the time grandpa got dehydrated. Or the time he tried to check if the phone still worked. He's 93 and blind.
Sunday - today - I particpated in the MaineShare Hike and Bike. I did the biking and rode 36 miles to help raise money to support local bussinesses and organizations. It was pretty fun and very tiring. I haven't been riding a lot recently and 36 miles is the longest ride I'd ever done. There were three categories 25k, 50k, and 100k - I did the 50k and finished first out of everyone who did the 50k. In fact I finished before all the 100k people too but they had to ride twice as far as I did so thats not something to really brag about... This is me and a friend (also from chewonki but she only did the 25k) Katie after the race.

Post race Lila and I went to Portland to have her birthday present installed in her car - an alpine car stereo and two boston speakers. The stereo sounds absolutely fantastic. I made several mix cds to test it out with different types of music - classical, rock, electronic, it sounds great playing all of them. The tweeter store is a good shop - very proffesional. I highly recommend it.
This coming week I'm on a day program which means I don't have to sleep in a tent and that I'm done each day after 4pm so there may be a mid-week update relating funny stories about my grandparents.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
A very good weekend

So I had a very good weekend - sat morning - slept in, went to breakfast, reading the paper. Lila says "Sweetie, did you know about the maine state air show?" I didn't we read about it, and then went to it, and it was totally awesome. We arrived to see SOCOM jumping out of planes in formation and doing this crazy acrobatic stunt skydiving. Pretty ridiculous. This was followed by these biplanes that did various sorts of manuvers. One of the manuvers involved them speeding down the runway, only 20 or so feet from the ground, from opposite directions, towards each other. Right before they met each other a large truck, with two jet engines mounted on the back of it, roared past both planes, exceeding them in speed. According to the anouncer the truck was going over 300 mph.

Also participating at the air show were the Blue Angels. Let me tell you these guys are incredibly. When they fly in formation it looks as if they are one plane - there is zero margin for error at the distance they are flying at. Seriously incredible stuff.

So I realize no one has any idea what the house I live in looks like - so I took a picture of our living room common area which should give you some idea. It consists of two bedrooms (one is a GUEST room, that we also use for storing gear and such) Lila and I sleep in the other bedroom. We've also got a bath room, a mudroom, and a common room area. We've got a two burner hotplate, a fridge and a microwave. Some aquariums some tables, and we've got DSL. Lots of plants and artsy posters courtesy of lila.

On sunday lila and I did various things around Chewonki, then we went fishing in brunswick. Post fishing we went to the seadog and ordered the beer sampler. It was pretty cool. For two people its a good amount of beer too, and you get to try all sorts. Let me tell you, I don't like the blueberry ale. If you want beer that looks like pee and doesn't taste like beer get the blueberry. Ugh.
Friday, September 09, 2005
I've discovered my purpose
So, I've discovered that my purpose in life is to yell at kids and tell them what to do. Nothing makes me happier - "Alex, go pack a daypack with a waterbottle, warm layer, and some sunscreen." Anne - marie, quit bothering me about how dirty your hands are, we're in the woods" - "Alex, stop eating dirt" - "katie, quit throwing pine needles at alex" - "Alright, everyone in your tents immediately!!" That was what my week was like.
I also got bit by a pig.
This coming week, I'm on a bit chiller trip, a five day saltwater canoe trip around this part of coastal maine - we are staying on chewonki owned island and will be paddling around checking out various things. I think I'll bring the digital camera on this trip to get some photos for the ol' blog. So some people may have no idea what my job at chewonki involves, rather than me post a lengthy explanation click here to find out what its all about.
Much thanks to fred for posting a very short little post saying thanks.
Thing I'm most excited about right now - iPod Nano!! I've been watching the steve jobs presentation of it on quicktime - the thing is just about the coolest mp3 player I've ever seen. Its so small and sleek and it comes in black which is super classy. Wow. I'm mean wow!! The thing is cool.
This weekend - may be doing some fishing, cleaning and restoring lila's old huffy bicycle.
Most recent sweet lila and dave interaction : I accidentally just kicked lila, i said, "I'm a big behemoth," she says, "But you're my big behemoth."
The bite from the pig didn't break the skin.
I also got bit by a pig.
This coming week, I'm on a bit chiller trip, a five day saltwater canoe trip around this part of coastal maine - we are staying on chewonki owned island and will be paddling around checking out various things. I think I'll bring the digital camera on this trip to get some photos for the ol' blog. So some people may have no idea what my job at chewonki involves, rather than me post a lengthy explanation click here to find out what its all about.
Much thanks to fred for posting a very short little post saying thanks.
Thing I'm most excited about right now - iPod Nano!! I've been watching the steve jobs presentation of it on quicktime - the thing is just about the coolest mp3 player I've ever seen. Its so small and sleek and it comes in black which is super classy. Wow. I'm mean wow!! The thing is cool.
This weekend - may be doing some fishing, cleaning and restoring lila's old huffy bicycle.
Most recent sweet lila and dave interaction : I accidentally just kicked lila, i said, "I'm a big behemoth," she says, "But you're my big behemoth."
The bite from the pig didn't break the skin.
Monday, September 05, 2005
After lots of traffic free labor day driving
Figured out how to add pictures to the blog.
So for everyone to know and directly for fred - you no longer have to join my blog in order to post stuff. Also look for a new section in the side bar which will have weekly shout outs for whatever I deem shoutoutable.
Very little traffic this weekend, it was kind of nice being one of the few cars traveling north on 95 today (monday). Also, I had previously thought that the best rest stop in the state of massachusettes was the Charlton Service plaza but today i discovered that the plaza in Lee is just as nice (relevant for people like libby who drive right past it) and plus today it had a rather dour looking clown making ballon animals for free.
Caught two (pretty big) crayfish in lila's house's stream on sunday for lila's cousins (two little girls, 1 year oldish and a 6 year old) who basically thought I was the man.
So I get kids tommorrow - took a walk out to the campsite I'll be staying at, its called Lower Club. It doesn't have enough wood, I'm going to make my kids haul big ass logs out there tommorrow so we can have enough wood to chop for the week. I'm really looking forward to actually starting my job. There are two "Club" campsites upper and lower, and lower is actually a little nicer. Were anyone to come visit they'd be more than welcome to check out a campsite.
Set up my wireless network today and basically I think it is the coolest thing ever. I also love how in the instruction manual for the router, there are pages and pages for the windows install and setup and all it says for the apple setup is "plug it in" & "reboot computer." Its a D-Link router, I picked it because it is small and after rebates which I still need to mail in, will only cost me 24 dollars. Which is pretty good.
I'm pretty beat right now so I'm going to go to bed - were emma to read my blog she'd find out that there is construction currently on 290 so I suggest bypassing it and staying on 495 all the way to the masspike.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
At lila's
So training for chewonki is done and I get my first captive audience on my own, this tuesday. Lila and I have a done a large amount of driving on this labor day weekend meaning that we have seen plenty of traffic plus plenty of cars. Meaning cars that I haven't seen before - such as the Volkswagon Phaeton and the dodge magnum. Both of these cars ugly. Particularly the phaeton. German engineering has failed to produce an attractive car.
Also I've learned a lot more about biodiesel recently and as we are all getting older and getting closer to buying cars, also considering the rising price of gas, biodiesel is currently less expensive than gas and diesel is less expensive than regular gas, so... Buy diesel. I would but I have a big maroon ugly taurus.
Also bought a wireless router today - want to keep my friends updated on purchases.
Also I've learned a lot more about biodiesel recently and as we are all getting older and getting closer to buying cars, also considering the rising price of gas, biodiesel is currently less expensive than gas and diesel is less expensive than regular gas, so... Buy diesel. I would but I have a big maroon ugly taurus.
Also bought a wireless router today - want to keep my friends updated on purchases.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Update that I couldn't think of a name for
So, I discovered, that one conor carpenter has been creating blogs designed to make fun of my blogs. I say... congradtulations. I wish I'd thought of that! Its way better than my idea of creating facebook groups aimed to make fun of single people, blogs that make fun of other blogs. I might start a blog just to make fun of fred. of course fred doesn't believe in recorded history so he may not read my blog.
I went to the beach today - it rained.
Emma is my current favorite person.
I went to the beach today - it rained.
Emma is my current favorite person.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Sunday in Maine
So its Sunday. I'm in maine. There isn't much to do which means of course that I am tooling around on the internet looking for cool stuff. I checked out jon's blog and discovered a link to another mutual friend's blog and it turns out that this dude, henry work, is a juggler and I'm a juggler and we didn't even realize and there could have been lots of fun but... nobody knew. Oh well. So I'm just going to hang out today and maybe go for a bike ride.
Last night lila and I hung out with chewonki people and played a pretty cool drinking game called bite the bag. You get drunk. Then you stand on one foot, bend over to a paper bag and bite it, all while standing on one foot, then you stand up. You can then put both feet on the ground and tear off a small piece of the bag. You put that piece in the bag and then its the next person's turn. Everyone takes turns and it gets progressively harder as the bag gets progressively shorter. Most fun when very drunk already.
Also I've learned a lot about car stereos recently as I'm getting lila one for her birthday. If anyone has any questions about car stereos direct them to jon todd as he probably knows way more than me about them. Also check out the snazzy link to jon's site. Its totally sweet and rad and awesome.
Last night lila and I hung out with chewonki people and played a pretty cool drinking game called bite the bag. You get drunk. Then you stand on one foot, bend over to a paper bag and bite it, all while standing on one foot, then you stand up. You can then put both feet on the ground and tear off a small piece of the bag. You put that piece in the bag and then its the next person's turn. Everyone takes turns and it gets progressively harder as the bag gets progressively shorter. Most fun when very drunk already.
Also I've learned a lot about car stereos recently as I'm getting lila one for her birthday. If anyone has any questions about car stereos direct them to jon todd as he probably knows way more than me about them. Also check out the snazzy link to jon's site. Its totally sweet and rad and awesome.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Post First Trip with Kids
Had really crazy kids - had to give a sexual harassment talk - they learned the hard way why you should zip up your tent when you leave it (rain) Had a kid who forgot his water bottle probably like thirty six times. Had a kid who couldn't kayak who kept getting pinned by the tide against our swimming docks. When I went to help him out, I flipped my kayak! Which was totally sweet because another one of my campers had just decided to have a race and had flipped his kayak so he felt a lot better when I flipped mine too.
The weekend is here which is basically a time to do laundry take showers eat some decent food and sleep before it all starts again on monday.
My hair gets greasier than anything you could imagine when I'm in the woods for a week without a shower.
But I'm having a great time and as you all can see there is now a link to on the blog so you ought to ch-ch-check it out.
The weekend is here which is basically a time to do laundry take showers eat some decent food and sleep before it all starts again on monday.
My hair gets greasier than anything you could imagine when I'm in the woods for a week without a shower.
But I'm having a great time and as you all can see there is now a link to on the blog so you ought to ch-ch-check it out.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Whatever asshole
Whatever asshole who started a blog just to make fun of my blog and say that no one in the blogging community reads my blog I give the finger. Seriously, who starts a blog to make fun of another blog. Blogs are already kinda lame. Whats lamer, a blog about me or a blog that makes fun of the blog about me.
I get my first captive audience tommorrow. I've got this kid coming who is a sixth grader and thinks he knows everything about physics and engineering and string theory and computer programing. Because he got some lego set that let you build lego robots and program them. He is going to be my personal project.
Spent the weekend in new hampshire relaxing. It was nice.
Spent the afternoon at the kitteray trading post discussing the merits of various sandals specifically footbed contours. Interestingly this is not the first time I've done this. Came away with a pair of tevas which I'm happy with.
Spent the evening unpacking the car, finally moving into my house, reading med forms and thinking of funny shit to say to fred who seems to think that I'm waiting to make fun of him but I'm not and I'd really like to hear about his elaborate plan to move in early but think he is being hypocritical with his view on recorded history.
Read "Bringing down the House" The book about the MIT grads who went to vegas and became pro card counters. It was pretty interesting and I'm planning on mailing it to avery who will appreciate it and probably try to start counting cards and probably loose some money and get beaten up in a back room.
Speaking of avery and his "buddy" eric penley - recieved a phone call from each without a message just to give me there phone numbers. This makes me feel good as I know that they are at least reading my emails or my blog.
Got to go and finish unpacking then repack for the week.
I get my first captive audience tommorrow. I've got this kid coming who is a sixth grader and thinks he knows everything about physics and engineering and string theory and computer programing. Because he got some lego set that let you build lego robots and program them. He is going to be my personal project.
Spent the weekend in new hampshire relaxing. It was nice.
Spent the afternoon at the kitteray trading post discussing the merits of various sandals specifically footbed contours. Interestingly this is not the first time I've done this. Came away with a pair of tevas which I'm happy with.
Spent the evening unpacking the car, finally moving into my house, reading med forms and thinking of funny shit to say to fred who seems to think that I'm waiting to make fun of him but I'm not and I'd really like to hear about his elaborate plan to move in early but think he is being hypocritical with his view on recorded history.
Read "Bringing down the House" The book about the MIT grads who went to vegas and became pro card counters. It was pretty interesting and I'm planning on mailing it to avery who will appreciate it and probably try to start counting cards and probably loose some money and get beaten up in a back room.
Speaking of avery and his "buddy" eric penley - recieved a phone call from each without a message just to give me there phone numbers. This makes me feel good as I know that they are at least reading my emails or my blog.
Got to go and finish unpacking then repack for the week.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Training continues
Training continues - we did something called the barn climb - a series of high ropes course elements all set up inside a barn unlike anything I've ever seen before -> and I've seen it all. Been having a lot of fun - the staff is coming together nicely. Next week we are on encampment throughout the week so probably no updates until friday - also this weekend going to new hampshire to see lila who is there right now. Next update is sunday night.
Wrote a haiku about 15 year old children
Mom, leave me alone
want to hang out with my friends
really, who am I?
almost a haiku
Schools out for summer
I went to the dangerzone
opps, I did it again.
I went and got indian food with emma yesterday - the only thing I don't like about indian food is that you smell like it all next morning and if you didn't eat breakfast you're just hungry and tempted all day by those wondrous aromas that are still on your breath and on your finger tips. Man.
Alright - I've got some more unpacking to do.
I didn't do anything stupid today so it was a good day.
Also - no one has commented on my blog yet so clearly no one is reading it. All my friends know this address - checking the blog should become as automatic as checking away messages.
Yes emma, I know you check my blog.
Wrote a haiku about 15 year old children
Mom, leave me alone
want to hang out with my friends
really, who am I?
almost a haiku
Schools out for summer
I went to the dangerzone
opps, I did it again.
I went and got indian food with emma yesterday - the only thing I don't like about indian food is that you smell like it all next morning and if you didn't eat breakfast you're just hungry and tempted all day by those wondrous aromas that are still on your breath and on your finger tips. Man.
Alright - I've got some more unpacking to do.
I didn't do anything stupid today so it was a good day.
Also - no one has commented on my blog yet so clearly no one is reading it. All my friends know this address - checking the blog should become as automatic as checking away messages.
Yes emma, I know you check my blog.
Monday, August 15, 2005
1st day
So first day, fun - uneventful until I backed my car into a ditch and had to get triple A to come tow it out.
The misadventures of dave continue.
The misadventures of dave continue.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
So, its sunday night and tommorrow I start at chewonki. Lots of stuff has gone on in the last few days.
So I went to visit my old summer camp (and to visit adam, my bro) and I've decided that I really want to try to go back there sometime soon.
I went home for a few days. I'd say my mom is now completely off her rocker as opposed just mostly off her rocker. Sam (my other bro) has recently reached an entirely new level of obnoxiousness. Its very facetious but incredibly rude and insulting. My dad has recently started growing tomatos, he's bricked in parts of our yard trying to make it look fancier and is currently building a wall in our stream. If he has left over rocks he's going to make a waterfall.
Lila is good. We move into our housing for the fall on wednesday. We actually have a house to ourselves (spare bedroom) so visitors are encouraged.
A new mom story : The time mom wouldn't shut the door when I was naked
So we briarcliff at 10 pm to drive five hours up to the adirondacks to the middle of nowhere so mom can go to this art exhibit the next morning. We drive for three hours in a wicked rainstorm (thunder lightning dogs and cats sleeping together) and eventually we get to where we're going. We go to sleep in this tiny room. Next morning we wake up and I get in the shower and so on. I went in to the bathroom in dirty underwear and I had clean ones so I wanted to put new ones on, so I go out of the bathroom naked, not a big deal in my family. However, the door to the motel is wide open and there are people outside. I go, "Mom can you shut the door?" She makes a big fuss and then half-heartedly pushes on the door which doesn't shut. So I'm like "Whatever." But then these tourist types start standing in front of our door so i go "Mom, come on, shut the door!" She bitches a little and then goes into the bathroom. She comes out, yells at dad telling him that he should've shut the door (Despite the fact that she was about two feet away from it and he was probably like twelve feet away froom it) and then gets in her car (we went up in three cars) and drives away!!
Anyways its pouring rain here, all the other new staff has to sleep in tents because their housing isn't ready yet but I get to stay with lila which is infinetly preferable.
Tommorrow should be fun and action packed.
I saw ella yesterday.
Conor got an electronic drum set. I am very proud of him.
I found my orientation shorts and am wearing them.
Emma says my hair is cute.
My doctor says I should get tested for allergies but I don't want to because a runny nose builds character.
So I went to visit my old summer camp (and to visit adam, my bro) and I've decided that I really want to try to go back there sometime soon.
I went home for a few days. I'd say my mom is now completely off her rocker as opposed just mostly off her rocker. Sam (my other bro) has recently reached an entirely new level of obnoxiousness. Its very facetious but incredibly rude and insulting. My dad has recently started growing tomatos, he's bricked in parts of our yard trying to make it look fancier and is currently building a wall in our stream. If he has left over rocks he's going to make a waterfall.
Lila is good. We move into our housing for the fall on wednesday. We actually have a house to ourselves (spare bedroom) so visitors are encouraged.
A new mom story : The time mom wouldn't shut the door when I was naked
So we briarcliff at 10 pm to drive five hours up to the adirondacks to the middle of nowhere so mom can go to this art exhibit the next morning. We drive for three hours in a wicked rainstorm (thunder lightning dogs and cats sleeping together) and eventually we get to where we're going. We go to sleep in this tiny room. Next morning we wake up and I get in the shower and so on. I went in to the bathroom in dirty underwear and I had clean ones so I wanted to put new ones on, so I go out of the bathroom naked, not a big deal in my family. However, the door to the motel is wide open and there are people outside. I go, "Mom can you shut the door?" She makes a big fuss and then half-heartedly pushes on the door which doesn't shut. So I'm like "Whatever." But then these tourist types start standing in front of our door so i go "Mom, come on, shut the door!" She bitches a little and then goes into the bathroom. She comes out, yells at dad telling him that he should've shut the door (Despite the fact that she was about two feet away from it and he was probably like twelve feet away froom it) and then gets in her car (we went up in three cars) and drives away!!
Anyways its pouring rain here, all the other new staff has to sleep in tents because their housing isn't ready yet but I get to stay with lila which is infinetly preferable.
Tommorrow should be fun and action packed.
I saw ella yesterday.
Conor got an electronic drum set. I am very proud of him.
I found my orientation shorts and am wearing them.
Emma says my hair is cute.
My doctor says I should get tested for allergies but I don't want to because a runny nose builds character.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
End of summer
So summer is ending and with it is my sojurn in the Hatch Science Library. Although the sciecne library is air conditioned and fairly easy place to work I'm pretty happy I'm done. Here's a list of stuff about me and the library.
Favorite Journal Title: Neuroendocrinology
Favorite Journal Article: A math professor rewrote the words to Jenny (867-5309) to match pi (3.145309)
Best Realization: Books on traveling are the science library, so when you want to find a travelers guide to maine cerca 1879, this is the place to look.
Best thing I learned: How to search the USGS map index for free maps.
I'm going home for about a week to sort stuff out and such with clothing and then I'm heading back to maine to work at Chewonki in Wiscasset. I'm teaching Environmental Science and taking kids on camping trips.
Now for the funny stuff:
Jon Todd and I have done nothing but play Warcraft III for the past three days. I dreamed last night that I was an Orc named Bloodtooth and I was battling the evil humans. This heavy dose of computer game play has been supplemented by watching 10 episodes of "Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing" as well as two episodes of "Astro Boy". Futhermore I've been drunk and high a lot in the last two days so figure that in as you will. My room is a mess. My fish tank has turned green. I went to the beach a few days ago. It was totally awesome.
Did you know: During the summer seadogs games sell out?
Favorite Journal Title: Neuroendocrinology
Favorite Journal Article: A math professor rewrote the words to Jenny (867-5309) to match pi (3.145309)
Best Realization: Books on traveling are the science library, so when you want to find a travelers guide to maine cerca 1879, this is the place to look.
Best thing I learned: How to search the USGS map index for free maps.
I'm going home for about a week to sort stuff out and such with clothing and then I'm heading back to maine to work at Chewonki in Wiscasset. I'm teaching Environmental Science and taking kids on camping trips.
Now for the funny stuff:
Jon Todd and I have done nothing but play Warcraft III for the past three days. I dreamed last night that I was an Orc named Bloodtooth and I was battling the evil humans. This heavy dose of computer game play has been supplemented by watching 10 episodes of "Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing" as well as two episodes of "Astro Boy". Futhermore I've been drunk and high a lot in the last two days so figure that in as you will. My room is a mess. My fish tank has turned green. I went to the beach a few days ago. It was totally awesome.
Did you know: During the summer seadogs games sell out?
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